Deprecation notice for EURADCLIM version 1.0 datasets

As of 08-07-2024, the datasets RAD_OPERA_HOURLY_RAINFALL_ACCUMULATION_EURADCLIM/1.0 and RAD_OPERA_24H_RAINFALL_ACCUMULATION_EURADCLIM/1.0 have been deprecated. These datasets were already completed dataset and will no longer receive updates. The next version has improved removal of non-meteorological echoes, better rain gauge coverage from 2013 to 2020, and the addition of data for the years 2021 and 2022.

  • Dataset that has been deprecated: EURADCLIM: The European climatological gauge-adjusted radar precipitation dataset for hourly and 24-h accumulations
  • Deprecation date: 08-07-2024
  • Sunset date: 08-07-2024
  • New dataset version for hourly:
  • New dataset version for 24-h:
  • For more details about the deprecation of datasets and features, please visit our deprecation policy.
