Deprecation notice for Harmonie Cy40 datasets

As of 20-06-2024, the migration of Harmonie Cy40 to a new supercomputer in Iceland has been successfully completed. As of 20-06-2024, the products 2a/b, 4a/b, and BES will no longer receive updates. There was no transition period, so users must immediately switch to the Harmonie Cy43 alternatives to ensure continuity in data and analyses. Products 1, 3, and 5 are now being produced in Iceland and will remain available until September 1, 2024. These files now have a higher upload frequency, changing from every 6 hours to every 3 hours. The files are also slightly smaller because the duplicate surface temperature (11, 105, 0) now appears only once.

For more information on why we updated from Harmonie Cy40 to Cy43, please refer to our article:

  • Dataset that has been deprecated: all Harmonie Cy40 datasets
  • Deprecation date: 20-06-2024
  • Sunset date: 20-06-2024 for Harmonie Cy40 products 2a/b, 4a/b, and BES. 01-09-2024 for Harmonie Cy40 products 1, 3, and 5.
  • Alternative version:
  • For more details about the deprecation of datasets and features, please visit our deprecation policy.
