Deprecation notice for wins50_wfp_2050_nl_daily_3d/1

As of 08-02-2023, the dataset wins50_wfp_2050_nl_daily_3d/1 has been deprecated and will no longer receive updates. The data comes from the HARMONIE model, which includes wind farm parameterization and simulates a scenario for 2050. However, an error in the input files affected approximately 3,750 turbines in future wind farms, where the height of the turbines and the diameter of the rotors were mistakenly swapped. This error impacts both wind energy production estimates and atmospheric parameters, such as wind speed, in and around these wind farms. Please use the next version with corrected wind turbine input files for studies.

  • Dataset that has been deprecated: WINS50 - wind at 10-600 meter height for the Netherlands from HARMONIE-AROME with wind farm parameterization and a 2050 wind farm scenario as daily files
  • Deprecation date: 08-02-2023
  • Sunset date: 08-02-2023
  • Alternative version:
  • New endpoint: open-data/datasets/wins50_wfp_2050_nl_daily_3d/versions/2/files
  • For more details about the deprecation of datasets and features, please visit our deprecation policy.
